rugpijn bij katten

Symptoms of back pain in cats and 8 treatment methods

Back pain in cats is often overlooked. But did you know that cats can suffer from this quite often? In this article, we are going to tell you the symptoms of back pain in cats. Then you will also read what you can do to give your beloved pet the right treatment.

How do I know if my cat has back pain?

Most cats are good at hiding pain. Therefore, it can be difficult to recognize when they are in pain. There are some symptoms of back pain that you can look out for:

  • Changes in movement: your cat may be less active, have trouble jumping or climbing stairs, and the creature may not move as smoothly;
  • Different posture: a cat may have a different posture with back pain. Perhaps the back is more arched or the animal has a different way of walking;
  • Less appetite: pain may cause the cat to lose its appetite. Alternatively, the animal may actually have difficulty moving to the bowl of food;
  • Other behavior: the animal may be more irritable, hide and may not want to be touched;
  • More meowing: cats may meow, growl or hiss more when in pain. This happens especially when they are touched at the sore spot;
  • Poor grooming: it may be more difficult for the cat to groom itself because the animal cannot easily reach the area to be groomed.

If you think your cat has back pain, consult the veterinarian. He or she can examine the animal and make a possible diagnosis and treatment plan. Back pain can be a symptom of underlying problems such as a herniated disc or osteoarthritis.

How do you help a cat with back pain?

A cat in pain needs a lot of love and attention. Be kind to the animal and make sure everything is as comfortable as possible. In addition, of course, the pain needs proper treatment. Later in this article we will tell you what you can do to treat your cat.

back pain in cats
Source: Pexels

What conditions can a cat have on its back?

Cats can develop various conditions in the back. Back pain may also originate from another part of the body. Below you can read about common conditions:

  • Arthritis;
  • Hernia;
  • Muscle strains or tears;
  • Trauma or injuries;
  • Tumors;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Spondylosis.

What is spondylosis?

Spondylosis is a disorder of the spine. It involves the formation of bony protrusions along the edges of the vertebrae. This condition often begins after wear and tear or aging of the spine. It usually results from chronic instability or damage to the intervertebral discs. This condition cannot be cured. However, proper treatment can greatly improve the cat’s quality of life.

What to do about a cat with back pain?

If your cat has back pain, there are several things you can do. Of course, you want to make sure your pet has the most comfortable life possible! Here’s what you can do to take care of your cat.

1. Visit the veterinarian

Have your cat examined by the veterinarian to make a diagnosis. Based on that, an appropriate treatment plan can be developed. The veterinarian will likely do several tests to see what is causing the back pain.

2. Use painkillers or other medications

The veterinarian may prescribe painkillers or medication. This depends on the condition and symptoms. Use only medication prescribed by the veterinarian and be sure to follow instructions.

3. Treat your cat with red light therapy

Red light therapy is increasingly being used to treat animals. This form of light therapy provides pain relief, reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. Nowadays, you can do this just from home. You can read more about red light therapy for cats later in this article.

4. Provide a comfortable living environment

Make sure your cat has a soft and comfortable resting place where the animal can easily reach without jumping or climbing. It is also important to put food and water bowls in an easy-to-reach place. The goal is to minimize strain on the critter’s back.

5. Limit the cat’s movements

If your cat is suffering a lot, make sure he or she moves a little less for a while. This way the back gets more rest and can recover more easily. In addition, this also ensures that the animal is in less pain.

6. Keep the animal at a healthy weight

Keep your cat’s weight under control. Being overweight puts extra strain on the back. This can exacerbate pain and symptoms.

7. Do exercises with the cat

There are certain physical therapists and physio exercises for cats. The veterinarian may recommend these. Always consult with the veterinarian or physical therapist about which exercises are appropriate.

8. Go for regular vet checkups

Stay in touch with the veterinarian to keep track of progress or changes. This way you can make adjustments as needed.

You can also combine different treatments. For example, red light therapy is also a good complement to other treatments. Read more about what red light therapy can do for your cat below.

Back pain in cats and red light therapy

Red light therapy, also called low level laser therapy, is a good treatment for this condition. Laser therapy is also a good treatment method for other complaints.

powercure laser benefits

What does laser therapy do for your cat?

Low-level laser therapy uses low levels of laser light to stimulate cellular processes. This can help relieve pain and symptoms. Here’s why laser therapy may work for your cat:

  • Pain relief;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Better blood flow;
  • Accelerated recovery.

Is there science behind red light therapy?

The use of low level laser therapy, also called red light therapy, is scientifically proven. This therapy uses laser devices with a special frequency of low-level laser light energy. This light creates interactions with the tissues in your dog’s body. This reduces pain, swelling, inflammation and various conditions. This therapy can also be used with other animals as well as humans.

What can PowerCure do for your pet?

The PowerCure laser has already helped many pets reduce pain, complaints and conditions. For example, we have received many good experiences from cats and their owners. The cost of laser therapy is also often less than what you have to pay for other treatment methods.

You can purchase the PowerCure (Pro) laser yourself for home use. This way, you can treat your beloved pet yourself in their familiar place. And the laser is not only useful for your pet, but it can also be a great tool for yourself, your roommates and even horses. And it can be used for almost any complaint!

Want to learn more about the PowerCure (Pro) laser and what it can help you or your pet with? Then especially take a look here.