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Did your cat break a paw? 3 tips to relieve pain

A cat with a broken paw is something a cat owner obviously never wants to experience. Yet it can happen, such as from a fall or a wild jump. But how do you recognize a broken leg in your cat and what can you do to relieve the pain? Here you can read about the symptoms, treatment options and tips to relieve your beloved pet’s pain.

Recognize the complaint: is the paw broken or bruised?

It can be difficult to properly determine what your cat is suffering from. After all, a fracture or a bruise can look very similar. It’s also possible that the animal is suffering from something else. Here’s what you can tell if it’s broken or bruised:

  • The cat will not walk on its paw or make large movements;
  • The paw is swollen or stands in an unnatural way;
  • The animal is lame or shows discomfort while moving;
  • Your cat meows or reacts aggressively when you touch the paw.

It is important to consult a veterinarian if you think your cat is suffering from a broken or bruised paw. He or she can take x-rays to make a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

broken paw cat

What to do with a broken leg?

Does your cat have a broken paw? Then it is important to take good care of the paw and act appropriately. Below are the steps you can take.

Consult the veterinarian

A broken leg cannot heal without medical attention. Therefore, always go to the veterinarian to have a treatment plan drawn up. It may be that the veterinarian will stabilize the paw. In severe cases, the cat may also need surgery to treat the paw.

What does surgery cost?

The cost of surgery depends on the severity and location of the fracture. On average, surgery for a broken paw in a cat costs between €500 and €1500.

Give the animal time for rest and recovery

During or after a treatment, it is very important that the cat gets enough rest. So do not play exuberantly with the animal. In addition, provide a nice place where your cat can withdraw quietly.

cat hangs with paws over scratching post

How can you relieve your cat’s pain?

As an owner, of course you want your cat to be free of pain. It is also very important for the well-being of the animal that he or she has as little pain as possible. Below you can read how you can provide extra pain relief for your cat.

1. Medication and painkillers

The veterinarian may prescribe painkillers or medication to control the pain. In addition, this can ensure that recovery from the fracture is faster.

2. Warmth and comfort

Provide a comfortable environment for the animal. A warm environment can help the cat feel more comfortable. In addition, it is nice to have a soft surface for the animal to lie on.

3. Red light therapy

Today, red light therapy is often used to treat pets. This can support the repair of tissues and bones. In addition, it stimulates blood flow and reduces inflammation. This makes it possible to relieve your cat’s pain. You can treat your cat yourself from home, for example with the PowerCure laser.

How long does recovery from a broken leg take?

Recovery from a broken paw usually takes six to eight weeks. This depends on the severity of the fracture and your cat’s overall health. It is important to have regular checkups with your veterinarian to monitor progress.

The benefits of red light therapy for recovery

Red light therapy offers a natural and non-invasive way to support the healing process. It not only helps with pain relief, but also promotes cell regeneration and blood flow. This can accelerate bone and soft tissue repair.

With the PowerCure Laser you can apply red light therapy completely from home. This is easy and safe. This device is designed to be used for both humans and animals and can provide professional results without adding stress to your cat.

powercure laser benefits

Is there science behind red light therapy?

The use of low level laser therapy, also called red light therapy, is scientifically proven. This therapy uses laser devices with a special frequency of low-level laser light energy. This light creates interactions with the tissues in your dog’s body. This reduces pain, swelling, inflammation and various conditions. This therapy can also be used with other animals as well as humans.

Choose Powercure in your cat’s recovery

The Powercure makes red light therapy accessible to everyone. The device is easy to use and effective in pain relief and wound healing. Visit our website and read how red light therapy can help your cat recover faster and more comfortably.